DesperadoIf you gentle reader are anything like me you have frequently summed up the gospel with "there is something more than this". The implication is that God promises us the redemption of this broken world doing away with the oppression and death of this age and replacing them with beauty and peace and this is true. But, I think to often we emphasize the "not yet" facet of Christian hope and not enough the "already".
The place we find ourselves in is "joined to heavan" (to quote HC) and these relationships that we are so frustrated with: the friend that doesn't do what I want, the girl who doesn't reciprocate my feelings, and the school, job, and internships that have rejected me are joined to heaven as well. God tells us that this day
is a gift not this day
could be a gift if we work hard enough.
The problem with always dreaming of the coming grace and trying to live in the reality of the new kingdom (certainly one of the central tasks of Christian disipleship). Is that we deny Christ's lordship over
this kingdom and the Spirit's presence in every facet of
this fallen world. To often I think I am working for a better world or demanding truth when really I am rejecting the grace put before me
today, the amazing love available
today, and the communion of saints