"The moral duty of the free writer is to begin his work at home: to be a critic of his own community, his own country, his own government, his own culture"~Edward Abbey

Thursday, January 19, 2006

I'm wide awake, it's morning

Someone once said "Don't ask yourself what the world needs ask what makes you come alive". For the longest time I thought of this as the protypical hippie nonsense. But, lately I've started to think that I was wrong. I've spent the last two months working long hours for ACORN doing something the world desperately needs. And at the end of the day I fealt nothing but dead inside. I was almost completely divorced from the people and habits that sustained me. It's been a long time since I have read anything lifegiving. Over and over I found myself responding to the suggestion of someone I loved with "I'd have to quit my job to do that". So I did.

I am once again working in the Hearts and Minds basement sorting through books and I feal completely at home. I leave work feeling more alive then when I went in in the morning. I look forward to the next days task.

I've come to think that it's impossible to help others if I'm not healthy. I can't breathe into dry bones if I'm deflated. When I'm snapping at my best friends and pushing away people who care about me there's a problem.

So I raise me glass to artists and fools, to the open road and comfortable routine, to lovers and priests, to homemakers and all those who leave beauty in their wake.

As of now I take a vow against self righteousness. I reassert my priorities of church, family, friends, and home. My life should be about honesty and grace. I'm wide awake, it's morning.


Blogger andrea lee said...

Well.....besides the fact that the last line of this post made me feel like maybe some sort of weird hipster has taken possession of you... and then realizing that probably wasn't the case; it was probably jeff rioux who is neither hipster nor demon... this whole post makes me say, "matt lyke! these are some of the best words i've ever heard you say!"

12:51 PM

Blogger andrea lee said...

haha...that was supposed to say "weird hipster demon"... but it's sort of funnier just saying "weird hipster."

12:52 PM


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