"The moral duty of the free writer is to begin his work at home: to be a critic of his own community, his own country, his own government, his own culture"~Edward Abbey

Sunday, April 16, 2006

From a Stumbling Pilgrim on Easter Sunday

Alleluia Christ is risen

I did not keep Lent this year more do to momentum then a real reason. This momentum is due to my desire to hold onto some of my most cherished sins.

There are parts of the bible that I hate. I don't mean parts that challenge me or that offend my modern individualistic sensibilities, I mean hate. Alot of the bible I don't keep; of that a large percentage I want to keep and others I want to want to keep. But, there are some parts I hate.

None I hate more than "Love keeps no record of wrongs". Keeping records of wrongs is how I maintain the upper hand in relathionships. By keeping record of wrongs I can belittle friends and try to make them feel the need to apologize to me more than once.

I love this sin because it is easy to pretend like i don't have sins, rather I pretend that I am agrieved by others sins treating my sin as a Holy calling. I might even try to pass it on as "bearing one anothers burdens".

But it is sin. It is like all sin disobedient, dehumanizing, cruel.

On Friday we celbrated Christ taking our sin upon himself. On Saturday he took it straight to hell. Today he rose without and lives with us now. If only I can learn to want to want to not commit this sin I'd make progress.

Please Jesus keep no record of wrongs.

The Lord is risen indeed alleluia.


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