"The moral duty of the free writer is to begin his work at home: to be a critic of his own community, his own country, his own government, his own culture"~Edward Abbey

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

A Place on the Corner
I am of the opinion that the majority of life's problem can be solved if I read enough Wendel Berry. I think that if nothing else Mr. Berry has his priorities straight. What I am interested in is how to integrate his ideas into proper urban life. Specifically how does one become native to a built place?


Blogger Byron K. Borger said...

Great, great question. Of course, Mr. Berry doesn't use a computer, so let's hope you don't apply his thinking to literally.

There are some fine books in the shop about this topic--opening up a sense of creation in the midst of a city, or pursuing home-making sensibilities in an urban context. Next time I see you, remind me to show you some.

I love the name and look of your blog...

in peace,


9:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Increasing home ownership would be huge.


8:49 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


what do you mean by "become native," and why is it necessary/good?

-andrea s.

5:35 AM

Blogger Matt Lyke said...

it's a purposefuly vague term in a sense a mean an awareness and a sense of belonging to where one lives. caring about the state of your area for ethical reasons but maybe more improtantly because it's yours. Part of me feels like it happens by accident and maybe isn't always the most pleasant thing...

6:50 AM


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